Bible Quiz - 1 Samuel    聖經測試 - 撒慕爾紀上

Chapter 1 第一章

Q1 (v.3) Every year the men used to worship in  (3節)人們每年都往.......朝拜上主
a)..... Shiloh  史羅
b)..... Beersheba  貝爾舍巴
c)..... Bethlehem  白冷

Q2 (v.12 & see v.3) Eli was  (12節和參看3節)厄里是
a)..... a prophet  一位先知
b)..... a priest  一位司祭
c)..... a judge  一位民長

Q3 (v.28) Hannah dedicates Samuel as a minister in the sanctuary for
a)..... 1 year 一年
b)..... 10 years  十年
c)..... life 終身

Chapter 2  第二章

Q1 v.1-10 are "The Song of ......" 1-10節是"........的頌謝詩"
a)..... Hannah  亞納
b)..... Peninnah 培尼納
c)..... Ruth  盧德

Q2 (v.26) Who grew in stature & in favor with God & men (c.f. Luke 2.52)?
a)..... Eli  厄里
b)..... Eli's sons  厄里的兒子
c)..... Samuel 撒慕爾

Q3 (v.34) On the one day, both shall ..... (34節)在同一天,兩人會......
a)..... dance  跳舞
b)..... die 死去
c)..... decay 敗壞

Chapter 3  第三章

Q1 (v.1) It was rare for ...... to speak in those days (1節)那時.......的話少有
a)..... Samuel 撒慕爾
b)..... Eli  厄里
c)..... God 上主

Q2 In v.4-10, how many times did God call Samuel? 在4-10節,上主叫了撒慕爾幾次?
a)..... 3  三次
b)..... 4 四次
c)..... 5 五次

Q3 (v.20) Samuel was a  (20節)撒慕爾是一位
a)..... prophet 先知
b)..... priest 司祭
c)..... judge 民長

Chapter 4  第四章

Q1 (v.11) What was captured? (11節)什麼被劫去?
a)..... the town of Aphek 阿費克城
b)..... the ark of God 天主的約櫃
c)..... the temple at Shiloh 史羅的聖殿

Q2  In v.18, who died? 在18節,誰死了?
a)..... Eli  厄里
b)..... Eli's 2 sons  厄里的兒子
c)..... a Benjaminite  一位本雅明人

Q3  In v.19-22, who died? 在19-22節,誰死了?
a)..... Phinehas 丕乃哈斯
b)..... the wife of Phinehas 丕乃哈斯的妻子
c)..... the son of Phinehas 丕乃哈斯的兒子

Chapter 5  第五章

Q1 (v.4) Who lost his head? (4節)誰失了頭?
a)..... an Israelite 一位以色列人
b)..... a Philistine 一位培肋舍特人
c)..... Dagon 達貢

Q2 (v.6) The hand of God lay heavy on the people of (6節)上主的手重重的壓制了.....人
a)..... Ashdod 阿市多得
b)..... Gath 加特
c)..... Ekron 厄刻龍

Q3 (v.11) The hand of God lay heavy on the people of (11節)上主的手重重的壓制了.....人
a)..... Ashdod 阿市多得
b)..... Gath 加特
c)..... Ekron 厄刻龍

Chapter 6  第六章

Q1 (v.7-9) Because God is leading them, the cows willingly leave their
a)..... food 食物
b)..... shelter 居所
c)..... calves  小牛

Q2 (v.14) The cows (14節)母牛
a)..... went back to the Philistines 回到培肋舍特人的地方
b)..... were offered as a holocaust 被奉獻作全燔祭
c)..... were put on a farm 被安置在農場

Q3 (v.19) 70 men died because they did not rejoice  (19節)七十人死去因他們......沒有表示歡樂
a)..... on the sabbath 在安息日
b)..... on seeing the ark of God 見到天主的約櫃
c)..... when the holocaust was offered 在奉獻全燔祭時

Chapter 7  第七章

Q1 (v.4) And the Israelites ....... the Lord alone (4節)以色列子民唯獨........上主
a)..... loved 愛
b)..... served 事奉
c)..... obeyed 聽從

Q2 (v.13) The hand of the Lord lay on the Philistines  (13節)上主的手壓制了培肋舍特人多久?
a)..... all Samuel's lifetime 撒慕爾活著時
b)..... for 10 years 十年
c)..... for 20 years 二十年

Q3 (v.16) Each ........ Samuel went on circuit and judged Israel 
a)..... week 星期
b)..... month 月
c)..... year 年

Chapter 8  第八章

Q1 (v.7) "The people have rejected me". Who is "me"?  (7節)"民眾拋棄了我"。誰是"我"?
a)..... Samuel 撒慕爾
b)..... Joel 約厄耳
c)..... God 天主

Q2 (v.19) The people refused to listen to  (19節)人民不願聽從
a)..... Samuel 撒慕爾
b)..... Joel 約厄耳
c)..... God 天主

Q3 (v.22) "Obey their voice and give them a ......."  (22節)"你聽從他們的話給他們一位...."
a)..... judge 司祭
b)..... prophet 先知
c)..... king 君王

Chapter 9  第九章

Q1 (v.5) Let us go back or my .......will start worrying about us 
a)..... wife 妻子
b)..... children 兒女
c)..... father 父親

Q2 (v.16) You are to anoint him ...... over my people Israel  
a)..... prophet 先知
b)..... prince 首領
c)..... judge 民長

Q3 (v.9-25) Saul was of the tribe of  (9-25節)撒烏耳屬於.......支派
a)..... Benjamin 本雅明
b)..... Simeon 西默盎
c)..... Judah 猶大

Chapter 10  第十章

Q1 (v.5) Who will be in ecstasy? (5節)誰會出神?
a)..... a group of prophets 一群先知
b)..... Saul 撒烏耳
c)..... Samuel 撒慕爾

Q2 (v.12) "Is Saul one of the ......... too?" (12節)"怎麼連撒烏耳也列在......中嗎?"
a)..... judges 民長
b)..... prophets 先知
c)..... kings 君王

Q3 (v.24) And the people shouted "Long live the ......." (24節)眾百姓歡呼說:".....萬歲"
a)..... judge 民長
b)..... prophet 先知
c)..... king 君王

Chapter 11  第十一章

Q1 (v.2) I will afflict your right (2節)我要剜去你們的右.......
a)..... legs 腳
b)..... arms 手
c)..... eyes 眼

Q2 (v.6) And the spirit of the Lord seized on  (6節)上主的神支配了
a)..... Samuel 撒慕爾
b)..... Saul 撒烏耳
c)..... the men of Jabesh 雅貝士人

Q3 (v.14) Let us go to Gilgal and ........ the monarchy there
a)..... reaffirm 重建
b)..... establish 建立
c)..... destroy 毀滅

Chapter 12  第十二章

Q1 (v.5) You have found ...... in my hands  (5節)你們在我手中找出......
a)..... gold 金
b)..... silver 銀
c)..... nothing 無物

Q2 (v.17) During wheat harvest time each year, there was ....... rain  
a)..... no 沒有
b)..... little 少
c)..... much 多

Q3 (v.24) Serve the Lord with all your   (24節)全......事奉上主
a)..... heart 心
b)..... mind 意
c)..... soul 靈

Chapter 13  第十三章

Q1 (v.6) When the Israelites saw their situation was desperate, they 
a)..... asked God for help 求天主幫助
b)..... fought bravely 勇敢作戰
c)..... hid in caves 藏在山洞裡

Q2 (v.13) You have acted like a  (13節)你作的像一個
a)..... fool 糊塗人
b)..... brave man 勇者
c)..... wise man 智者

Q3 (v.19) We must prevent the Hebrews from  (19節)我們要防止希伯來人
a)..... leaving their camp 離開他們的營地
b)..... forging swords & spears 製造刀槍
c)..... knowing where we are 知道我們在何處

Chapter 14  第十四章

Q1 (v.15) What shook?  (15節)什麼震動?
a)..... a building 一幢建築物
b)..... the earth 地
c)..... the sky 天

Q2 (v.19) "Withdraw your hand" = stop drawing lots. This means Saul went into battle without  
a)..... consulting God 求問上主
b)..... enough men 足夠戰士
c)..... enough arms 足夠武器

Q3 (v.45) Who ransomed Jonathan?  (45節)誰贖回約納堂?
a)..... the people 人民
b)..... Saul 撒烏耳
c)..... Samuel 撒慕爾

Chapter 15  第十五章

Q1 (v.9) Saul spared the best of  (9節)撒烏耳憐惜最好的
a)..... the sheep & cattle 牛羊
b)..... the goats 山羊
c)..... the horses 馬

Q2 (v.14) What is the meaning of this ....... of sheep?  (14節)怎麼會有羊的.....?
a)..... smell 氣味
b)..... sight 出現
c)......sound 叫聲

Q3 (v.24) Saul was afraid of  (24節)撒烏耳害怕
a)..... the Amalekites 阿瑪肋克人
b)..... Agag 阿加格
c)..... the people 人民

Chapter 16  第十六章

Q1 (v.1-13) David was born in    (1-13節)達味生於
a)..... Gilgal 基耳加耳
b)..... Bethsaida 貝特賽達
c)..... Bethlehem 白冷

Q2 (v.10-11) How many brothers did David have?    (10-11節)達味有多少兄弟?
a)..... 7  七個
b)..... 8 八個
c)..... 9 九個

Q3 (v.16-23) David played    (16-23節)達味彈奏
a)..... the harp 琴
b)..... the flute 笛子
c)..... the trumpet 喇叭

Chapter 17  第十七章

Q1 (v.28) Who was angry with David?  (28節)誰對達味生氣?
a)..... Eliab 厄里雅布
b)..... Abinadab 阿彼納達布
c)..... Shammah 沙瑪

Q2 (v.40) What did David get from the river?  (40節)達味從河裡揀了什麼?
a)..... 5 fish 五條魚
b)..... 5 buckets of water 五桶水
c)..... 5 smooth stones 五塊光滑的石頭

Q3 (v.51) David cut off Goliath's   (51節)達味砍下了哥肋雅的......
a)..... ear 耳
b)..... head 頭
c)..... leg 腳

Chapter 18  第十八章

Q1 (v.1-5) David & Jonathan were    (1-5節)達味和約納堂是
a)..... brothers 兄弟
b)..... enemies 敵人
c)..... close friends 親密的朋友

Q2 (v.16) All Israel loved  (16節)全以色列愛
a)..... Jonathan 約納堂
b)..... David 達味
c)..... Saul 撒烏耳

Q3 (v.27) How many foreskins did David bring to Saul?  (27節)達味給了撒烏耳多少包皮?
a)..... 50 五十
b)..... 100 一百
c)..... 200 二百

Chapter 19  第十九章

Q1 (v.1-3) Who wanted to kill David?    (1-3節)誰想殺死達味?
a)..... Jonathan 約納堂
b)..... Saul 撒烏耳
c)..... Michal 米加耳

Q2 (v.11-17) Who helped David to escape?    (11-17節)誰幫助達味逃命?
a)..... Jonathan 約納堂
b)..... Saul 撒烏耳
c)..... Michal 米加耳

Q3 (v.23) Who was in an ecstasy?  (23節)誰出神?
a)..... Jonathan 約納堂
b)..... Saul 撒烏耳
c)..... Michal 米加耳

Chapter 20  第二十章

Q1 In v.17, who loved David? 在17節,誰愛達味?
a)..... Jonathan 約納堂
b)..... Saul 撒烏耳
c)..... Michal 米加耳

Q2 (v.34) Who was angry?  (34節)誰生氣?
a)..... Jonathan 約納堂
b)..... Saul 撒烏耳
c)..... Michal 米加耳

Q3 (v.37) "The arrow is ahead of you" means  (37節)"箭在你前面"指
a)..... David's life is in danger 達味有生命危險
b)..... David's life is not in danger 達味沒有生命危險
c)..... Jonathan's life is in danger 約納堂有生命危險

Chapter 21  第二十一章

Q1 (v.4-7....& see Matthew 12:3-4) David & his men ate ...... bread
a)..... ordinary 普通
b)..... consecrated 聖
c)..... stale 腐

Q2 (v.10) David took the sword of   (10節)達味拿了......的刀
a)..... Saul 撒烏耳
b)..... Achish 阿基士
c)..... Goliath 哥肋雅

Q3 (v.14) Who pretended to be mad?   (14節)誰佯作瘋子?
a)..... David 達味
b)..... Achish 阿基士
c)..... Saul 撒烏耳

Chapter 22  第二十二章

Q1 (v.5) Who told David not to stay in the cave?   (5節)誰叫達味不要留在山洞裡?
a)..... the King of Moab 摩亞布王
b)..... people in distress 憂苦的人
c)..... the prophet Gad 加得先知

Q2 (v.18) Who killed the priests?   (18節)誰殺了司祭?
a)..... Doeg 多厄格
b)..... Saul 撒烏耳
c)..... Saul's servants 撒烏耳的僕人

Q3 (v.20) Who escaped?   (20節)誰逃走?
a)..... Doeg 多厄格
b)..... Ahimelech 阿希默肋客
c)..... Abiathar 厄貝雅塔爾

Chapter 23  第二十三章

Q1 (v.4) David consulted    (4節)達味求問
a)..... Saul 撒烏耳
b)..... Jonathan 約納堂
c)..... God 上主

Q2 (v.16) Who visited David?   (16節)誰拜訪達味?
a)..... Saul 撒烏耳
b)..... Jonathan 約納堂
c)..... God 上主

Q3 (v.26) David & his men were on one side of the mountain. Who was on the other side?   
a)..... Saul 撒烏耳
b)..... Jonathan 約納堂
c)..... Michal 米加耳

Chapter 24  第二十四章

Q1 (v.4) Why did Saul go into the cave?    (4節)撒烏耳為什麼進入山洞?
a)..... to pursue David 去追趕達味
b)..... to have a sleep 去睡一覺
c)..... to go to the toilet 去便溺

Q2 (v.5) David cut off part of Saul's    (5節)達味割下部份撒烏耳的
a)..... cloak 外髦
b)..... ear 耳朵
c)..... finger 手指

Q3 (v.17) Who cried?    (17節)誰哭?
a)..... Saul 撒烏耳
b)..... David 達味
c)..... David's servants 達味的僕人

Chapter 25  第二十五章

Q1 (v.17) Who was ill-tempered?    (17節)誰脾氣暴躁?
a)..... David 達味
b)..... Nabel 納巴耳
c)..... Abigail 阿彼蓋耳

Q2 (v.37) Whose heart became like a stone?    (37節)誰的心如頑石?
a)..... David 達味
b)..... Nabel 納巴耳
c)..... Abigail 阿彼蓋耳

Q3 In v.40-44, how many wives did David have? 在40-44節,達味有幾位妻子?
a)..... 2 兩位
b)..... 3 三位
c)..... 4 四位

Chapter 26  第二十六章

Q1 (v.7) Who was asleep?    (7節)誰睡了?
a)..... Saul 撒烏耳
b)..... David 達味
c)..... Abishai 阿彼瑟

Q2 (v.12) David took Saul's     (12節)達味拿了撒烏耳的
a)..... helmet 盔甲
b)..... spear 槍
c)..... cloak 外髦

Q3 (v.23) "I would not raise my hand against the Lord's ...."     (23節)"我不願伸手加害上主的....."
a)..... prophet 先知
b)..... priest 司祭
c)..... anointed 受傅者

Chapter 27  第二十七章

Q1 (v.2) Achish was a     (2節)阿基士是一位
a)..... prophet 先知
b)..... priest 司祭
c)..... king 君王

Q2 (v.7) David stayed in Philistine territory for a year and .... months     
a)..... 4 四個
b)..... 6 六個
c)..... 8 八個

Q3 (v.12) Achish ....... David     (12節)阿基士......達味
a)..... hated 憎惡
b)..... loved 愛
c)..... trusted 相信

Chapter 28  第二十八章

Q1 (v.2) "You will soon see what your servant can do" is David's way of saying     
a)..... Achish has good eyesight 阿基士視力良好
b)..... David hopes he won't have to fight against Israel 達味希望他不需攻打以色列
c)..... David will definitely fight against Israel 達味將攻打以色列

Q2 (v.13) Why have you deceived me? You are     (13節)你為什麼哄騙我?你是
a)..... David 達味
b)..... Saul 撒烏耳
c)..... Samuel 撒慕爾

Q3 (v.15) Whose rest was disturbed?     (15節)誰被打擾?
a)..... David 達味
b)..... Saul 撒烏耳
c)..... Samuel 撒慕爾

Chapter 29  第二十九章

Q1 (v.3) "these Hebrews" here means ..... & his men     (3節)"這些希伯來人"這裡指......和他的兵士
a)..... Saul  撒烏耳
b)..... David  達味
c)..... Achish  阿基士

Q2 (v.6) Who was not acceptable to the Philistine leaders?     (6節)誰不被培肋舍特將領接納?
a)..... David  達味
b)..... Saul 撒烏耳
c)..... Samuel 撒慕爾

Q3 (v.8) "my lord the king" here means     (8節)"我主大王"這裡指
a)..... God 天主
b)..... Saul 撒烏耳
c)..... Achish 阿基士

Chapter 30  第三十章

Q1 (v.6) Who did the people want to stone?     (6節)人民想用石頭打死誰?
a)..... David  達味
b)..... Saul 撒烏耳
c)..... Achish 阿基士

Q2 (v.10) How many men were too exhausted to cross the wadi?     
a)..... 100 一百個
b)..... 200 二百個
c)..... 300 三百個

Q3 (v.24) Those who mind the baggage shall receive    (24節)那看守輜重的應得
a)..... nothing 零
b)..... less than those who go into battle 少於那去打仗的
c)..... the same as those who go into battle 如同那去打仗的一樣

Chapter 31  第三十一章

Q1 (v.2) Who died?    (2節)誰死了?
a)..... David  達味
b)..... Jonathan 約納堂
c)..... Saul 撒烏耳

Q2 (v.5) Who died?    (5節)誰死了?
a)..... David  達味
b)..... Jonathan 約納堂
c)..... Saul 撒烏耳

Q3 (v.9) Whose head was cut off?    (9節)誰的頭被砍下?
a)..... David  達味
b)..... Jonathan 約納堂

c)..... Saul 撒烏耳