Bible Quiz 聖經測試 - Obadiah 亞北底亞

Q1 (v.3) Your pride of ..... has led you astray (第三節)你 ..... 中的驕傲欺騙了你
a)..... mind 心神
b)..... heart 心
c)..... eye

Q2 (v.12) Do not play the ...... on the day of disaster (第十二節)在患難的日子上,你也不應 .....
a)..... beggar 行乞
b)..... braggart 大言不慚
c)..... bridegroom

Q3 (v.17) there will be some who have ..... (第十七節)有些人會 .....
a)..... remained 留下
b)..... escaped 獲救
c)..... died