Bible Quiz - 2nd Maccabees 聖經測試 - 瑪加伯下

Chapter 1 第一章

Q1 (v.3) May God give you a heart to ..... him (3)願他使你們全心...........天主
a)..... love
b)..... serve 侍奉
c)..... worship 崇拜

Q2 (v.16) Who died? (16)誰死了?
a)..... Nanaea 納納雅
b)..... Antiochus 安提約古
c)..... the priests of Nanaea  納納雅的司祭

Q3 v.8-36 are about the miraculous preservation of the sacred 8-36節是關於聖....神奇的保藏
a)..... fire
b)..... water
c)..... incense

Chapter 2 第二章

Q1 (v.5) Who hid the ark? (5)誰匿藏約櫃?
a)..... Moses 梅瑟
b)..... Solomon 撒羅滿
c)..... Jeremiah 耶肋米亞

Q2 (v.23) Who wrote 5 books? (23)誰寫了五卷書?
a)..... Jason 雅松
b)..... Judas 猶大
c)..... the author(s) of 2nd Maccabees 瑪加伯下的作者

Q3 (v.25-31) Who has "no easy task"? (25-31)誰有"不是容易的事"
a)..... Jason 雅松
b)..... Judas 猶大
c)..... the author(s) of 2nd Maccabees 瑪加伯下的作者

Chapter 3 第三章

Q1 (v.11) Who was evil? (11)誰是邪惡?
a)..... Onias 敖尼雅
b)..... Simon 息孟
c)..... Heliodorus 赫略多洛

Q2 (v.16) Who was in anguish? (16)誰憂傷?
a)..... Onias 敖尼雅
b)..... Simon 息孟
c)..... Heliodorus 赫略多洛

Q3 (v.27) Who fell to the ground? (27)誰倒在地上?
a)..... Onias 敖尼雅
b)..... Simon 息孟
c)..... Heliodorus 赫略多洛

Chapter 4 第四章

Q1 (v.5) Who cared about the people's welfare? (5)誰關心人民的公私利益?
a)..... Onias 敖尼雅
b)..... Simon 息孟
c)..... Heliodorus 赫略多洛

Q2 (v.14) The priests were more interested in .......than in the temple
a)..... dancing 跳舞
b)..... dining 用餐
c)..... discus 鐵餅

Q3 (v.40) Auranus was a man advanced in years and no less in  (40)奧辣諾年老而.......未減
a)..... greed 貪婪
b)..... folly  愚妄
c)..... dishonesty 不忠

Chapter 5 第五章

Q1 (v.2) Apparitions of ...... in the air (2)..........異像在空中出現
a)..... farmers 農夫
b)..... horsemen 騎兵
c)..... shepherds 牧羊人

Q2 (v.15) The holiest ....... in the entire world  (15)舉世至聖的.........
a)..... temple
b)..... altar 祭壇
c)...... sacrifice 祭品

Q3 (v.19) The Lord had chosen the ...... for the sake of the people 
a)..... holy time
b)..... holy name 聖名
c)..... holy place 聖所

Chapter 6 第六章

Q1 (v.10) How many women?  (10)幾個女人?
a)..... 2
b)..... 4
c)..... 6

Q2 (v.12) Such visitations are intended to ...... our race (12)這些災禍是為........我們的民族
a)..... destroy  毀滅
b)..... discipline 懲戒
c)..... domesticate 養馴

Q3 (v.24) How old was Eleazar? (24) 厄肋阿匝爾幾多歲?
a)..... 70 七十
b)..... 80 八十
c)..... 90 九十

Chapter 7 第七章

Q1 How many people die in Chapter 7? 在第七章幾個人死了?
a)..... 6 六個
b)..... 7 七個
c)..... 8 八個

Q2 (v.9) The ...... of this world will raise us up (9)宇宙的.......要使我們復活
a)..... God  天主
b)..... King 君王
c)..... Lord 上主

Q3 This chapter is the 1st place in the Old Testament clearly to assert belief in the ..... of the body 這一章是舊約中第一次清楚地確說身體..............的信仰
a)..... resurrection 復活
b)..... recycling 再循環
c)..... re-incarnation 再化身

Chapter 8 第八章

Q1 (v.13) Who ran away? (13)誰逃走?
a)..... the brave-hearted 勇敢的
b)..... the faint-hearted 膽小的
c)..... the hard-hearted 心硬的

Q2 (v.23) Their watchword was "..... from God" (23)他們的口號是"天主..........."
a)..... strength
b)..... help 助佑
c)..... wisdom 智慧

Q3 (v.34) Who was a scoundrel? (34)誰是惡人?
a)..... Judas 猶大
b)..... Nicanor 尼加諾爾
c)..... Timotheus 提摩太

Chapter 9 第九章

Q1 (v.4) The ...... of heaven traveled with Antiochus (4)上天的.......與安提約古同行
a)..... condemnation 懲罰
b)..... judgement 審判
c)..... blessing 祝福

Q2 (v.9) The ...... of Antiochus were filled with worms (9)安提約古的.......充滿了蛆蟲
a)..... ears
b)..... eyes
c)..... teeth

Q3 (v.13) Who prayed? (13)誰禱告?
a)..... Antiochus 安提約古
b)..... Nicanor 尼加諾爾
c)..... Timotheus 提摩太

Chapter 10 第十章

Q1 (v.3) The 1st sacrifice for ...... years (3).......年來第一次祭獻
a)..... 2
b)..... 3
c)..... 4

Q2 (v.20) Whose men were greedy for money? (20)那個部隊貪財?
a)..... Maccabaeus 瑪加伯
b)..... Simon 息孟
c)..... Joseph 若瑟

Q3 9 (v.29) How many heavenly horsemen? (29)幾個天兵?
a)..... 3
b)..... 5
c)..... 7

Chapter 11 第十一章

Q1 (v.4) Lysias took no account of the ...... of God (4)里息雅毫不想天主的........
a)..... love

b)..... wisdom 智慧
c)..... power 威能

Q2 (v.8) The rider was dressed in  (8)騎士身穿.........
a)..... red
b)..... white
c)..... blue

Q3 (v.15) Maccabaeus thought only of the common  (15)瑪加伯為顧全公共的.......
a)..... good
b)..... man 男人
c)..... law 法律

Chapter 12 第十二章

Q1 (v.15) Who overthrew Jericho?  (15)誰傾覆了耶里哥城?
a)..... Judas 猶大
b)..... God 天主
c)..... Joshua 若蘇厄

Q2 (v.42) Judas and his men prayed for  (42)猶大和部隊為........祈禱
a)..... the dead 亡者
b)..... the injured 傷者
c)..... the missing 失蹤者

Q3 (v.45) It's a holy and devout idea to pray for   (45)........祈禱實在是一個聖善而虔誠的思想
a)..... the dead 亡者
b)..... the injured 傷者
c)..... the missing 失蹤者

Chapter 13 第十三章

Q1 (v.4) The King of  (4).......之王
a)..... Egypt 埃及
b)..... Syria 敘利亞
c)..... kings 萬王

Q2 (v.12) The Jews fasted for ..... days  (12節)猶太人禁食.......天
a)..... 2 兩
b)..... 3 三
c)..... 4 四

Q3 (v.15) The watchword was "...... from God" (15節)口號是"天主........."
a)...... victory 勝利
b)..... strength 力量
c)..... power 威能

Chapter 14 第十四章

Q1 (v.13) The greatest of (13節).......中最偉大的
a)..... altars 祭壇
b)..... temples 聖殿
c)..... cities 城市

Q2 (v.23) Who took up residence in Jerusalem? (23節)誰逗留在耶路撒冷?
a)..... Nicanor 尼加諾爾
b)..... Alcimus 阿耳基慕
c)..... Demetrius 德默特琉

Q3 (v.35) You who need  (35節)你的需要是.......
a)..... nothing 零
b)..... something 一些事物
c)..... everything 一切事物

Chapter 15 第十五章

Q1 (v.1) Nicanor planned to attack the Jews on (1節)尼加諾爾計劃在..........攻擊猶太人
a)..... Saturday 星期六
b)..... Sunday 星期日
c)..... Monday 星期一

Q2 In v.14, who "prays much for the people"? 在14節中,誰"常為百姓祈禱"?
a)..... Nicanor 尼加諾爾
b)..... Onias 敖尼雅
c)..... Jeremiah 耶肋米亞

Q3 (v.32) Whose head was cut off?  (32節)誰的頭被砍下?
a)..... Nicanor 尼加諾爾
b)..... Onias 敖尼雅
c)..... Jeremiah 耶肋米亞