Bible Quiz - 1 Kings 聖經測試 - 列王紀上

Chapter 1  第一章

Q1 (v.5-11) Who tried to make himself king?  (5-11)誰自立為王?
a)..... Solomon  撒羅滿
b)..... Adonijah  阿多尼雅
c)..... Nathan   納堂

Q2 (v.38) Who rode David's mule?  (38)誰騎上達味王的騾子?
a)..... Solomon  撒羅滿
b)..... Adonijah  阿多尼雅
c)..... Nathan  納堂

Q3 (v.49) Whose party broke up early?  (49)那夥人早離開?
a)..... Solomon  撒羅滿
b)..... Adonijah  阿多尼雅
c)..... Nathan  納堂

Chapter 2  第二章

Q1 David was king for ...... years  達味作王......
a)..... 20  二十
b)..... 30  三十
c)..... 40  四十

Q2 (v.25) Who died?  (25)誰死了?
a)..... Adonijah  阿多尼雅
b)..... Abiathar  厄貝雅塔爾
c)..... Joab  約阿布

Q3 (v.34) Who died?   (34)誰死了?
a)..... Adonijah  阿多尼雅
b)..... Abiathar  厄貝雅塔爾
c)..... Joab  約阿布

Chapter 3   第三章

Q1 (v.1) Solomon's wife was from  (1)撒羅滿的妻子來自
a)..... Judah  猶大
b)..... Egypt  埃及
c)..... Rome  羅馬

Q2 (v.9) Solomon asked God for  (9)撒羅滿求上主賜給他
a)..... wisdom  智慧
b)..... wealth  財富
c)..... long life  長壽

Q3 (v.27) "give the child to ....."   (27)"............得到孩子"
a)..... the first woman 
b)..... the second woman  第二個女人
c)..... neither woman  兩個女人都不

Chapter 4   第四章

Q1 (v.3) Who was Solomon's recorder?  (3)誰是撒羅滿的御史?
a)..... Azariah  阿匝黎雅
b)..... Jehoshaphat  約沙法特
c)..... Benaiah  貝納雅

Q2 (v.7) How many administrators did Solomon have?  (7)撒羅滿立了幾多個太守?
a)..... 12  十二
b)..... 24  二十四
c)..... 36  三十六

Q3 (v.19) "the land" here means the royal territory of   (19)"特別區"這裡指直隸君王的
a)..... Judah  猶大
b)..... Ephraim 厄弗辣因
c)..... Bashan 巴商

Chapter 5   第五章

Q1 (v.5) Solomon enjoyed ...... on all his frontiers   (5)撒羅滿跟他的四鄰邊境.......相處
a)..... happiness 幸福
b)..... peace 和平
c)..... beauty  美麗

Q2 (v.9-14) Solomon was famous for his   (9-14)撒羅滿以.........著名
a)..... courage 勇氣
b)..... wisdom 智慧
c)..... determination 決斷

Q3 (v.19) I plan to build a   (19)我決意建造一所
a)..... temple 聖殿
b)..... palace 宮室
c)..... fortress 堡壘

Chapter 6   第六章

Q1 (v.1) How many years since the Israelites left Egypt?  (1)以色列子民離開了埃及幾多年?
a)..... 380 三百八十
b)..... 480 四百八十
c)..... 580 五百八十

Q2 (v.13) "I will make my home among the sons of Israel". Who is speaking? 
a)..... David
b)..... Solomon 撒羅滿
c)..... God 天主

Q3 (v.38) Solomon took ...... years to build the temple  (38)撒羅滿費時.......年興建聖殿
a)...... 7
b)...... 17 十七
c)...... 27 二十七

Chapter 7   第七章

Q1 (v.1) Solomon's palace took ...... years to build  (1)撒羅滿費時.......年興建宮室
a)..... 3
b)..... 13 十三
c)..... 23 二十三

Q2 (v.13-14) Hiram was skilled at working with  (13-14)希蘭善於......
a)..... gold
b)..... silver
c)..... bronze

Q3 (v.49) The lampstands were made of  (49)燈臺是........造的
a)..... gold
b)..... silver
c)..... bronze

Chapter 8   第八章

Q1 (v.9) What was in the ark?  (9)約櫃裡有什麼?
a)..... 2 stone tablets 兩塊石版
b)..... 2 pieces of manna 兩塊瑪納
c)..... 2 cherubs 兩個革魯賓

Q2 (v.10) The cloud was the visible sign of   (10)雲彩是.......的可見標記
a)..... rain
b)..... incense 乳香
c)..... the presence of God 天主臨在

Q3 (v.55) Who blessed the people?   (55)誰祝福了會眾?
a)..... Solomon 撒羅滿
b)..... a priest 一位司祭
c)..... God 天主

Chapter 9   第九章

Q1 (v.2) Who spoke to Solomon?  (2)誰和撒羅滿說話?
a)..... a priest 一位司祭
b)..... God 天主
c)..... Hiram 希蘭

Q2 (v.13) Who spoke to Solomon?  (13)誰和撒羅滿說話?
a)..... a priest 一位司祭
b)..... God 天主
c)..... Hiram 希蘭

Q3 (v.26) Solomon had a fleet of  (26)撒羅滿有一隊
a)..... chariots 戰車
b)..... ships
c)..... camel trains 駱駝隊

Chapter 10   第十章

Q1 (v.1) In Matthew 12.42, the Queen of Sheba is called the Queen of the 
a)..... North 北方
b)..... East 東方
c)..... South 南方

Q2 (v.21) ....... was thought little of in the time of Solomon  (21)......在撒羅滿時代並不值什麼
a)..... gold
b)..... silver
c)..... bronze

Q3 (v.27) Solomon made ...... as common as pebbles  (27)撒羅滿有的.......多如石頭
a)..... gold
b)..... silver
c)..... bronze

Chapter 11  第十一章

Q1 (v.4) Who swayed Solomon's heart?  (4)誰迷惑了撒羅滿的心?
a)..... God 天主
b)..... Jeroboam 雅洛貝罕
c)..... Solomon's wives 撒羅滿的妻妾

Q2 (v.9) Who was/were angry with Solomon?  (9)誰向撒羅滿發怒?
a)..... God 天主
b)..... Jeroboam 雅洛貝罕
c)..... Solomon's wives 撒羅滿的妻妾

Q3 (v.40) Who tried to kill Jeroboam?   (40)誰想殺害雅洛貝罕?
a)..... Solomon 撒羅滿
b)..... the prophet Ahijah 先知阿希雅
c)..... Solomon's wives 撒羅滿的妻妾

Chapter 12  第十二章

Q1 (v.2-14) Whose advice did Rehoboam accept?  (2-14)勒哈貝罕接納了誰的忠告?
a)..... the elders  老年人
b)..... the young men 年青的男人
c).... the young women 年青的女人

Q2 (v.19) "The House of David"  here means  (19)"達味家"這裡指
a)..... the building where David used to live 達味經常居住的地方
b)..... David's descendants 達味的後裔
c)..... Solomon's palace 撒羅滿的宮室

Q3 (v.24) "What has happened is my doing".  Who is speaking?  (24)誰說"這事原出於我"
a)..... God 天主
b)..... Rehoboam 勒哈貝罕
c)..... Jeroboam 雅洛貝罕

Chapter 13  第十三章

Q1 (v.4) What happened to Jeroboam's hand?  (4)雅洛貝罕的手發生了什麼事?
a)..... it was full of leprosy 它長滿痳瘋病
b)..... it withered 它枯乾
c)..... it was covered with boils 它佈滿了瘡

Q2 (v.24) Who did the lion kill?  (24)獅子殺了誰?
a)..... the man of God 天主的人
b)..... the prophet 先知
c)..... the prophet's sons 先知的兒子

Q3 (v.28) Which is true?  (28)那是真的?
a)..... the lion ate the corpse 獅子吞掉屍體
b)..... the lion mauled the donkey 獅子撕裂了驢
c)..... the lion neither ate the corpse nor mauled the donkey 獅子沒有吞掉屍體也沒有撕裂驢

Chapter 14  第十四章

Q1 (v.6) "Come in ......."  (6)".................請進來"
a)..... Jeroboam
b)..... wife of Jeroboam 雅洛貝罕的妻子
c)..... child of Jeroboam 雅洛貝罕的孩子

Q2 (v.17) Who died?  (17)誰死了?
a)..... Jeroboam 雅洛貝罕
b)..... Jeroboam's wife 雅洛貝罕的妻子
c)..... Jeroboam's child 雅洛貝罕的孩子

Q3 (v.30) Rehoboam & Jeroboam ...... throughout their reigns 
a)..... helped each other
b)..... were at peace with each other 與對方和平相處
c)..... were at war with each other 與對方交戰

Chapter 15  第十五章

Q1 (v.3) Whose heart was not wholly with God?  (3)誰的心不是全屬上主?
a)..... Asa 阿撒
b)..... Abijam 阿彼雅
c)..... Nadab 納達布

Q2 (v.14) Whose heart  was wholly with God?  (14)誰的心全屬上主?
a)..... Asa 阿撒
b)..... Abijam 阿彼雅
c)..... Nadab 納達布

Q3 (v.28) Who died?  (28)誰死了?
a)..... Asa 阿撒
b)..... Abijam 阿彼雅
c)..... Nadab 納達布

Chapter 16  第十六章

Q1 (v.8-14) Who got drunk?  (8-14)誰喝醉酒?
a)..... Omri 敖默黎
b)..... Zimri 齊默黎
c)..... Elah 厄拉

Q2 (v.15-22) Who died in a fire?   (15-22)誰被燒死?
a)..... Omri 敖默黎
b)..... Zimri 齊默黎
c)..... Elah 厄拉

Q3 v.23-28 are about the reign of 23-28節是關於.........的統治
a)..... Omri 敖默黎
b)..... Zimri 齊默黎
c)..... Elah 厄拉

Chapter 17  第十七章

Q1 (v.1) Elijah foretells a   (1)厄里亞預言一場
a)..... war 戰爭
b)..... drought 旱災
c)..... plague 瘟疫

Q2 The ....... in v.7-24 is mentioned in Luke 4.25-26 7-24節中的..........在路4:25-26提及
a)..... wind
b)..... window
c)..... widow 寡婦

Q3 (v.22) The ......... of the child returned to him   (22)孩子的........回到他身上
a)..... soul 靈魂
b)..... health 健康
c)..... joy 喜樂

Chapter 18  第十八章

Q1 In v.17 (not 18) who is "the scourge of Israel"? 17(不是18)誰是"叫以色列遭難的人"
a)..... Ahab 阿哈布
b)..... Elijah 厄里亞
c)..... Obadiah 敖巴狄雅

Q2 (v.24) The god who answers with ..... is God indeed   (24)那降......顯示應允的神,就是真神
a)..... power 能力
b)..... fire
c)..... thunder

Q3 (v.44) Go down before the ...... stops you   (44)快下去免得被........阻止
a)..... rain
b)..... darkness 黑暗
c)..... wind

Chapter 19  第十九章

Q1 (v.7-8) What did Elijah drink?  (7-8)厄里亞飲了什麼?
a)..... tea
b)..... water
c)..... wine

Q2 (v.11-12) God was in the   (11-12)天主在...........
a)..... earthquake 地震
b)..... fire
c)..... gentle breeze 微風

Q3 (v.19) Elijah threw  ....... over Elisha  (19)厄里亞將..........披在厄里叟身上
a)..... his cloak
b)..... water
c)..... salt

Chapter 20  第二十章

Q1 (v.13) "I will deliver this army into your hands". Who is speaking? 
a)..... Ahab 阿哈布
b)..... Ben-hadad 本哈達得
c)..... God 天主

Q2 (v.27) The Israelites looked like 2 herds of  (27)以色列子民好像兩群.........
a)..... goats
b)..... sheep 綿羊
c)..... cattle

Q3 (v.43) Who was gloomy and angry?  (43)誰悶悶不樂?
a)..... a prophet 一位先知
b)..... Ahab 阿哈布
c)..... Ben-hadad 本哈達得

Chapter 21  第二十一章

Q1 (v.14) Who died?  (14節)誰死了?
a)..... Ahab 阿哈布
b)..... Naboth 納波特
c)..... Jezebel 依則貝耳

Q2 (v.25) Who did what is displeasing to God?  (25節)誰作了上主視為惡的事?
a)..... Ahab 阿哈布
b)..... Naboth 納波特
c)..... Elijah 厄里亞

Q3 (v.27) Who repented?   (27節)誰悔改?
a)..... Ahab 阿哈布
b)..... Naboth 納波特
c)..... Jezebel 依則貝耳

Chapter 22  第二十二章

Q1 (v.10) Who was/were raving?  (10節)誰在說預言?
a)..... all the prophets 所有的先知
b)..... Micaiah 米加雅
c)..... the king of Israel 以色列王

Q2 (v.14) What .......says to me, that will I do  (14節)........吩咐我什麼,我就說什麼
a)..... Ahab 阿哈布
b)..... God 天主
c)..... Jehoshaphat 約沙法特

Q3 (v.38) Whose blood did the dogs lick?   (38節)狗舔誰的血?
a)..... Micaiah 米加雅
b)..... Jehoshaphat 約沙法特
c)..... Ahab 阿哈布