Bible Quiz - 2 Kings 圣经测试 - 列王纪下

Chapter 1 第一章

Q1 (v.8) Who was wearing a hair cloak? (8节)谁身穿皮毛衣?
a)..... Ahaziah 阿哈齐雅
b)..... Elijah 厄里亚
c)..... a messenger 一位使者

Q2 (v.10-13) How did the captains & their men die?  (10-13节)五十夫长和他的人怎样死?
a)..... by fire from heaven 由于火从天降下
b)..... by an earthquake 由于地震
c)..... by hailstones 由于降雹

Q3 (v.13) Who fell on his knees?   (13节)谁屈膝跪下?
a)..... Elijah 厄里亚
b)..... the 3rd captain 第三个五十夫长
c)..... Ahaziah 阿哈齐雅

Chapter 2 第二章

Q1 (v.9) Elisha wants to be Elijah's main heir, since the eldest son inherited a .....share of his father's inheritance (9节)厄里叟想成为厄里亚的大弟子,因为长子可继承父亲.......分的产业
a)..... double
b)..... treble
c)..... quadruple

Q2 (v.14) Who struck the water? (14节)谁击打河水?
a)..... Elijah 厄里亚
b)..... Elisha 厄里叟
c)..... the brotherhood of prophets 先知弟子们

Q3 (v.23) Elisha's head  had ..... hair (23节)厄里叟.........头发
a)..... long
b)..... short
c)..... no 没有

Chapter 3 第三章

Q1 (v11) Who used to pour water on Elijah's hands? (11节)谁常在厄里亚手上倒水?
a)..... Ahab 阿哈布
b)..... Jehoshaphat 约沙法特
c)..... Elisha 厄里叟

Q2 (v.12) "The ...... of God is with him" (12节)"他必有上主的........"
a)..... power 力量
b)..... word
c)..... authority 权威

Q3 (v.17) "This ...... shall be filled with water"  (17节)"这........中要充满了水"
a)..... wadi 山谷
b)..... river
c)..... well

Chapter 4 第四章

Q1 (v.5) She went on (5节)她只顾
a)..... crying
b)..... pouring
c)..... working 工作

Q2 (v.35) Who sneezed? (35节)谁呵气?
a)..... Elijah 厄里亚
b)..... the child 孩子
c)..... the child's mother 孩子的母亲

Q3 v.42-44 are about the multiplication of 42-44节是关于增..........
a)..... loaves
b)..... fish
c)..... grapes 葡萄

Chapter 5 第五章

Q1 In this chapter, how many people have leprosy? 在这一章,几多人染了癞病?
a)..... 2
b)..... 3
c)..... 4

Q2 Luke's Gospel 4.27 says that Naaman was 路4:27说纳阿曼是
a)..... an Israelite 一位以色列人
b)..... a Syrian 一位叙利亚人
c)..... an Aramaean 一位阿兰人

Q3 (v.19) "Go in peace" here means that Elisha tolerates Naaman's
a)..... outward appearance of idolatry 外表崇拜偶像
b)..... idolatry 崇拜偶像
c)..... lack of faith 无信仰

Chapter 6 第六章

Q1 (v.6) What floated? (6节)什么浮出?
a)..... the iron axehead 铁斧头
b)..... a log 一块木头
c)..... a stone 一块石头

Q2 (v.17) The mountain was covered with chariots of (17节)遍山都是..........马车
a)..... gold
b)..... fire
c)..... smoke

Q3 (v.31) Who was wearing sackcloth? (31节)谁穿着苦衣?
a)..... Elisha 厄里叟
b)..... the king of Israel 以色列王
c)..... the king of Aram 阿兰王

Chapter 7 第七章

Q1 (v.6) What did the Aramaeans hear? (6节)阿兰人听到什么?
a)..... music 音乐
b)..... a noise of chariots and horses 战车马队的喧嚣声
c)..... God's voice 天主的声音

Q2 (v.8) Who ate and  drank? (8节)谁又吃又喝?
a)..... 4 lepers 四个癞病人
b)..... 4 soldiers 四个兵士
c)..... 4 prophets 四个先知

Q3 (v.17) Who died? (17节)谁死了?
a)..... the scouts 侦察兵
b)..... the equerry 侍卫
c)..... some of the people 一些人

Chapter 8 第八章

Q1 (v.11) Who cried? (11节)谁哭了?
a)..... Ben-hadad 本哈达得
b)..... Hazael 哈匝耳
c)..... Elisha 厄里叟

Q2 v.15 probably means that 15节或许指
a)..... Ben-hadad committed suicide 本哈达得自杀
b)..... Hazael murdered Ben-hadad 哈匝耳谋杀了本哈达得
c)..... Hazael died 哈匝耳死了

Q3 (v.19) God did not intend to ........ Judah (19节)天主不愿..........犹大
a)..... destroy 消灭
b)..... help 帮助
c)..... punish 惩罚

Chapter 9 第九章

Q1 (v.11) Who was the "madman"? (11节)谁是"疯子"?
a)..... Elisha 厄里叟
b)..... a young prophet 一位年青的先知
c)..... Jehu 耶胡

Q2 (v.20) Who was driving like a madman? (20节)谁疯狂驾驶?
a)..... Elisha 厄里叟
b)..... a young prophet 一位年青的先知
c)..... Jehu 耶胡

Q3 (v.36) Whose flesh did the dogs eat? (36节)谁的肉被狗吃了?
a)..... 2 eunuchs 两个太监
b)..... Jezebel 依则贝耳
c)..... Jehu 耶胡

Chapter 10 第十章

Q1 (v.7) There were 70 ....... in the baskets (7节)篮子里有七十只.........
a)..... legs
b)..... arms
c)..... heads

Q2 (v.27) The temple of Baal became a (27节)巴耳庙成为一个
a)..... cemetery 坟墓
b)..... toilet 厕所
c)..... market 市场

Q3 (v.36) Jehu was king of Israel for ....... years (36节)耶胡作以色列王.......年
a)..... 8
b)..... 18 十八
c)..... 28 二十八

Chapter 11 第十一章

Q1 (v.2) Who was saved? (2节)谁被救?
a)..... Athaliah 阿塔里雅
b)..... Jehosheba 约舍巴
c)..... Jehoash 约阿士

Q2 (v.5-7) Who were the guards protecting? (5-7节)守卫保护谁?
a)..... Athaliah 阿塔里雅
b)..... Jehosheba 约舍巴
c)..... Jehoash 约阿士

Q3 (v.20) Who were happy with the return of a Davidic king?
a)..... only the country people 只有乡下人
b)..... only the city people 只有城市人
c)..... both the country and city people 乡下人和城市人

Chapter 12 第十二章

Q1 (v.2) Jehoash did what was pleasing to God (2节)约阿士..........行了上主视为正义的事
a)..... sometimes 有时
b)..... for a few years 几年
c)..... all his life 终身

Q2 (v.7) "Why are you not ........ the Temple?" (7节)"你们为什么不............圣殿?"
a)..... repairing 修补
b)..... rebuilding 重建
c)..... respecting 尊重

Q3 (v.16) ....... accounts were kept with the honest men  (16节)..........帐目由忠信可靠的人保留
a)..... written 书面
b)..... verbal 口头
c)..... no 没有

Chapter 13 第十三章

Q1 (v.17) The Aramaeans lived to the ..... of Israel (17节)阿兰人住在以色列的........
a)..... North 北部
b)..... South 南部
c)..... East 东部

Q2 (v.19) How many times did the king strike the ground? (19节)王向地射击几次?
a)..... 3
b)..... 6
c)..... 9

Q3 (v.21) Who stood up? (21节)谁站起来?
a)..... the king of Israel 以色列王
b)..... the dead man 死人
c)..... the Moabites 摩阿布人

Chapter 14 第十四章

Q1 (v.5) Amaziah killed the officers who had murdered his
a)..... father 父亲
b)..... mother 母亲
c)..... brother 兄弟

Q2 (v.9) "the cedar of Lebanon" here means (9节)"黎巴嫩的香柏"这里指
a)..... Lebanon 黎巴嫩
b)..... Israel 以色列
c)..... Judah 犹大

Q3 (v.27) God rescued them by means of (27节)天主藉...............拯救了他们
a)..... Amaziah 阿玛责雅
b)..... Jeroboam 雅洛贝罕
c)..... Joash 耶曷阿士

Chapter 15 第十五章

Q1 (v.5) Who became a leper? (5节)谁患了癞病?
a)..... Uzziah 阿匝黎雅
b)..... Amaziah 阿玛责雅
c)..... Jecoliah 耶苛里雅

Q2 (v.12) Your sons will be kings to the ...... generation
a)..... 3rd
b)..... 4th
c)..... 5th

Q3 (v.16) Who sacked Tappuah? (16节)谁攻打塔普亚?
a)..... Jabesh 雅贝士
b).... Shallum 沙隆
c)..... Menahem 默纳恒

Chapter 16 第十六章

Q1 (v.1-20) Ahaz features prominently in chapters 7-8 of the book of the prophet
a)..... Isaiah 依撒意亚
b)..... Jeremiah 耶肋米亚
c)..... Ezekiel 厄则克耳

Q2 (v.3) Ahaz made his ...... pass through fire (3节)阿哈次令自己的............经火献神
a)..... daughter 女儿
b)..... son 儿子
c)..... father 父亲

Q3 (v.13) Who consecrated the altar? (13节)谁祝圣了祭台?
a)..... Uriah the priest 司祭乌黎雅
b)..... the king of Assyria 亚述王
c)..... King Ahaz 阿哈次王

Chapter 17 第十七章

Q1 (v.4) Hoshea was playing a double game with the king of
a)..... Judah 犹大
b)..... Assyria 亚述
c)..... Egypt 埃及

Q2 (v.15) Who pursued emptiness and themselves became empty?
a)..... the Israelites 以色列人
b).... the Assyrians 亚述人
c)..... the Egyptians 埃及人

Q3 (v.26) The people were being killed by (26节)人民被..........咬死
a)..... snakes
b)..... bears
c)..... lions 狮子

Chapter 18 第十八章

Q1 (v.7) Hezekiah rebelled against the king of (7节)希则克雅反抗..........王
a)..... Egypt 埃及
b)..... Assyria 亚述
c)..... Israel 以色列

Q2 (v.21) "that broken reed" here means (21节)"一根破裂的芦杖"这里指
a)..... Egypt 埃及
b)..... Assyria 亚述
c)..... Israel 以色列

Q3 (v.36) The king's order was  (36节)君王的命令是
a)..... to say we surrender 说我们投降
b)..... to say we will fight 说我们会作战
c)..... to say nothing 什么也不说

Chapter 19 第十九章

Q1 (v.7) God will cause ........ to return to his own country (7节)天主会使........返回自己的国家
a)..... Isaiah 依撒意亚
b)..... Hezekiah 希则克雅
c)..... the king of Assyria 亚述王

Q2 (v.14) What did Hezekiah spread out before God? (14节)希则克雅在上主面前展开了什么?
a)..... a sin offering 一个赎罪祭
b)..... Sennacherib's letter 散乃黑黎布的信
c)..... a golden cloth 一匹金色的布

Q3 (v.34) I will protect this ...... and save it (34节)我必要保护拯救这...........
a)..... city
b)..... temple 圣殿
c)..... family

Chapter 20 第二十章

Q1   A shorter form of this chapter is found in  ...... 38-39 这一章的短式出现在.......38-39章
a)..... Isaiah 依撒意亚
b)..... Jeremiah 耶肋米亚
c)..... Ezekiel 厄则克耳

Q2 (v.5) I will add  ...... years to your life (5节)我要在你的寿数上多加..........年
a)..... 5
b)..... 10
c)..... 15 十五

Q3 (v.11) The shadow went back ...... steps (11节)日影倒退.........度
a)..... 5
b)..... 10
c)..... 15 十五

Chapter 21 第二十一章

Q1 (v.9) Manasseh led them (9节)默纳舍.................带领他们
a)..... astray 离开正途地
b)..... wisely 明智地
c)..... harshly 粗暴地

Q2 (v.13) I will ........ Jerusalem (13节)我要...............耶路撒冷
a)..... save 拯救
b)..... scour 擦净
c)..... spare 赦免

Q3 (v.16) According to Jewish tradition, Isaiah was a victim of this
a)..... war 战争
b)..... famine 饥荒
c)..... persecution 迫害

Chapter 22 第二十二章

Q1 (v.8) Who found the Book of the Law? (8节)谁发现了法律书?
a)..... Josiah 约史雅
b)..... Hilkiah 希耳克雅
c)..... Shaphan 沙番

Q2 (v.10) Who tore his garments? (10节)谁撕裂了自己的衣服?
a)..... Josiah 约史雅
b)..... Hilkiah 希耳克雅
c)..... Shaphan 沙番

Q3 (v.20) Who will die in peace? (20节)谁将会平安地死去?
a)..... Josiah 约史雅
b)..... Hilkiah 希耳克雅
c)..... Shaphan 沙番

Chapter 23 第二十三章

Q1 (v.2) Who did the reading? (2节)谁朗读?
a)..... Josiah 约史雅
b)..... the priests 司祭
c)..... the prophets 先知

Q2 (v.21) Celebrate a ....... in honour of God (21节)向上主庆祝...........
a)..... victory 胜利
b)..... Passover 逾越节
c)..... holiday 假期

Q3 v. 25 is about 25节是关于
a)..... Josiah 约史雅
b)..... the priests 司祭
c)..... the prophets 先知

Chapter 24 第二十四章

Q1 (v.1) Nebuchadnezzar was king of (1节)拿步高是............君王
a)..... Babylon 巴比伦
b)..... Assyria 亚述
c)..... Egypt 埃及

Q2 (v.14) Only the  ...... people in the country were left behind (14节)只留下了地方上......的平民
a)..... richest 最富有
b)..... poorest 最穷苦
c)..... strongest 最强壮

Q3 (v.15) Jehoiachin was taken to (15节)耶苛尼雅被掳到.........
a)..... Babylon 巴比伦
b)..... Assyria 亚述
c)..... Egypt 埃及

Chapter 25 第二十五章

Q1 (v.7) Who became blind? (7节)谁盲了?
a)..... Nebuchadnezzar 拿步高
b)..... Zedekiah 漆德克雅
c)..... the Chaldaeans 加色丁人

Q2 (v.26) The people and troops went to (26节)人民和军队逃往
a)..... Babylon 巴比伦
b)..... Assyria 亚述
c)..... Egypt 埃及

Q3 (v.29) Who ate at the king's table? (29节)谁与王共进饮食?
a)..... Zedekiah 漆德克雅
b)..... Jehoiachin 耶苛尼雅
c)..... the Chaldaeans 加色丁人