Bible Quiz: Joshua  圣经测试: 若苏厄书

Chapter 1: 第一章

Q1: (v.5) "I will be with you". Who is "you"? (5节)"我要和你同在"。谁是"你"?
a)..... Moses 梅瑟
b)..... Joshua 若苏厄
c)..... Nun 农

Q2: In v.6-9, how many times does "be strong & stand firm" occur? 在6-9节,"应勇敢果断"出现了几次?
a)..... 2 两次
b)..... 3 三次
c)..... 4 四次

Q3: (v.16) Who is "you" in "wherever you send us we will go"?
a)..... Moses 梅瑟
b)..... Joshua 若苏厄
c)..... Nun 农

Chapter 2: 第二章

Q1: (v.1) Rahab was a (1节)辣哈布是一位
a)..... princess 公主
b)..... poet 诗人
c)..... prostitute 妓女

Q2: (v.18) What color cord? (18节)什么颜色的线?
a)..... bright blue 鲜蓝色
b)..... bright red 鲜红色
c)..... bright green 鲜绿色

Q3: (v.24) This country's people already ....... (24节)这地方的居民早已......
a)..... fear us 惧怕我们
b)..... hate us 讨厌我们
c)..... love us 爱我们

Chapter 3: 第三章

Q1: (v.3-6) What went in front of the people? (3-6节)是什么引导百姓前行?
a)..... a pillar of fire 火柱
b)..... a pillar of cloud 云柱
c)..... the ark of the covenant 约柜

Q2: (v.8-17) What river did the Israelites cross? (8-17节)以色列民过那一条河?
a)..... the Jordan 约但河
b)..... the Euphrates 幼发拉的河
c)..... the Nile 尼罗河

Q3: (v.17) The river bed was ..... (17节)河床是.......
a)..... wet 湿的
b)..... dry 干的
c)..... rocky 多石的

Chapter 4: 第四章

Q1: (v.8) Where did the 12 stones come from? (8节)十二块石头来自
a)..... the left bank of the river 河的左岸
b)..... the right bank of the river 河的右岸
c)..... the bed of the river 河床

Q2: (v.18) The river started flowing again when (18节)当......河水即开始再流动
a)..... it rained 下雨
b)..... as soon as the ark crossed over 约柜渡过了河
c)..... one hour after the ark crossed over 约柜渡过了河一小时后

Q3: (v.20) What was set up in Gilgal? (20节)什么立在基耳加耳?
a)..... the 12 stones 那十二块石头
b)..... a river boat company 一间内河船公司
c)..... an altar 一座祭坛

Chapter 5: 第五章

Q1: (v.1) Who was/were afraid? (1节)谁害怕?
a)..... Joshua 若苏厄
b)..... the Israelites 以色列子民
c)..... the Canaanite kings 客纳罕人的王子

Q2: (v.12) What stopped falling? (12节)什么停止降下?
a)..... the manna 玛纳
b)..... the rain 雨
c)..... the snow 雪

Q3: (v.14) Who spoke to Joshua? (14节)谁和若苏厄说话?
a)..... the Lord's army captain 上主军旅的元帅
b)..... the Lord's navy captain 上主海军的元帅
c)..... the Lord's air force captain  上主空军的元帅

Chapter 6: 第六章

Q1: (v.3-16) In 7 days, how many times did the Israelites march around Jericho?
a)..... 7 七
b)..... 12 十二
c)..... 13 十三

Q2: (v.20) What fell down? (20节)什么坍塌了?
a)..... the wall of Jericho 耶里哥城墙
b)..... the town of Jericho 耶里哥城
c)..... the temple of Jericho 耶里哥神殿

Q3: (v.22-25; also 2:8-21) As a non-Israelite whose faith & charity saved her family, ......... is a symbol in Christian tradition of the Church
a)..... Rebecca 黎贝加
b)..... Rahab 辣哈布
c)..... Ruth 卢德

Chapter 7: 第七章

Q1: (v.5) How many Israelites died? (5节)多少以色列人死了?
a)..... 36 三十六
b)..... 46 四十六
c)..... 56 五十六

Q2: (v.16) Achan belonged to the tribe of ....... (16节)阿干属.......支派
a)..... Simeon 西默盎
b)..... Judah 犹大
c)..... Dan 丹

Q3: (v.25) How did Achan die? (25节)阿干怎样死?
a)..... by fire 被火烧死
b)..... by sword 被剑刺死
c)..... by stoning 被石头砸死

Chapter 8: 第八章

Q1: (v.12, not v.4!) How many men lay in ambush? (12节,不是4节)多少人埋伏?
a)..... 30,000 三万
b)..... 15,000 一万五千
c)..... 5,000 五千

Q2: (v.17) How many men stayed behind in Ai? (17节)多少人留在哈依?
a)..... 0 没有
b)..... 10 十
c)..... 100 一百

Q3: (v.29) What happened to the king of Ai? (29节)哈依王发生什么事?
a)..... he was stoned 他被石头砸死
b)..... he was burnt 他被烧死
c)..... he was hung 他被吊死

Chapter 9: 第九章

Q1: (v.6-18) The Gibeonites were (6-18节)基贝红人是
a)..... from a distant country 来自一个远方的国家
b)..... a neighboring people 附近的居民
c)..... from Egypt 来自埃及

Q2: (v.14) By eating the Gibeonites' food, the Israelites made a ...... with them (14节)藉吃基贝红人的食物,以色列人和他们立了一条.......
a)..... contract 合约
b)..... treaty 条约
c)..... covenant 盟约

Q3: (v.21-27) The Gibeonites became (21-27节)基贝红人成了
a)..... soldiers 兵士
b)..... craftsmen 工匠
c)..... wood cutters & water carriers 劈柴挑水者

Chapter 10: 第十章

Q1 (v.1-5) The 5 kings attacked (1-5节)五王合攻
a)..... Gibeon 基贝红
b)..... Jerusalem 耶路撒冷
c)..... Israel 以色列

Q2: (v.16) Who were hiding in the cave? (16节)谁躲在山洞里?
a)..... 5 kings 五王
b)..... 4 kings 四王
c)..... 3 kings 三王

Q3: v.40-43 summarize the conquest of the ..... 40-43节概述征服.......
a)..... North 北部
b)..... South 南部
c)..... East 东部

Chapter 11: 第十一章

Q1: This chapter is about the conquest of the .... 这一章是关于征服.......
a)..... North 北部
b)..... South 南部
c)..... East 东部

Q2: Why did God order the Israelites to kill so many people?
My answer: He didn't. I think that "God said to kill..." should be understood as "Moses/Joshua said to kill...". I can't imagine Jesus ordering anyone to be killed. (c.f. burning of heretics by the's, not God's, idea)

Q3: (v.23) And the country had rest from (23节)这地区再无......
a)..... famine 饥荒
b)..... drought 干旱
c)..... war 战争

Chapter 12: 第十二章

Q1: v. 1-6 are about the conquest of the ..... 1-6节是关于征服.......
a)..... North 北部
b)..... South 南部
c)..... East 东部

Q2: v.7-24 are about the kings of the .... 7-24节是关于.....的王子
a)..... East 东部
b)..... South 南部
c)..... West 西部

Q3: What is the number of kings in v.24? 在24节共计多少个王子?
a)..... 21 二十一
b)..... 31 三十一
c)..... 41 四十一

Chapter 13: 第十三章

Q1: v.15-23 are about the tribe of ..... 15-23节是关于......支派
a)..... Gad 加得
b)..... Manasseh 默纳协
c)..... Reuben 勒乌本

Q2: v.24-28 are about the tribe of .... 24-28节是关于......支派
a)..... Gad 加得
b)..... Manasseh 默纳协
c)..... Reuben 勒乌本

Q3: v.29-33 are about the tribe of .... 29-33节是关于......支派
a)..... Gad 加得
b)..... Manasseh 默纳协
c)..... Reuben 勒乌本

Chapter 14: 第十四章

Q1: (v.3) How many tribes lived on the other side of the Jordan? (3节)几多个支派住在约但河的另一边?
a)..... 2 两个
b)..... 2 and a half 两个半
c)..... 3 三个

Q2: (v.10) How old was Caleb? (10节)加肋布几多岁?
a)..... 75 七十五
b)..... 85 八十五
c)..... 95 九十五

Q3: (v.13) Who blessed Caleb? (13节)谁祝福了加肋布?
a)..... Joshua 若苏厄
b)..... Eleazar 厄肋阿匝尔
c)..... God 天主

Chapter 15: 第十五章

Q1: (v.12) The western boundary was the ..... (12节)西方的边界是.......
a)..... Salt Sea 盐海
b)..... Red Sea 红海
c)..... Great Sea 大海

Q2: (v.16) To the man who captures Kiriath-sepher, I will give ......
a)..... my daughter in marriage 我的女儿作他的妻子
b)..... 500 shekels 五百协刻耳
c)..... 5 towns 五座城

Q3: (v.59) Ephrathah is now ..... (59节)厄弗辣大是现在的........
a)..... Beersheba 贝尔舍巴
b)..... Bethlehem 白冷
c)..... Bethel 贝特耳

Chapter 16 & Chapter 17: 第十六章和第十七章

Q1: These chapters are about the sons of ...... 这些章节是关于.......的子孙
a)..... Caleb 加肋布
b)..... Judah 犹大
c)..... Joseph 若瑟

Q2: Chapter 16 is about the tribe of ..... 十六章是关于......支派
a)..... Manasseh 默纳协
b)..... Ephraim 厄弗辣因
c)..... Judah 犹大

Q3: Chapter 17:1-13 is about the tribe of ..... 十七章:1-13节是关于......支派
a)..... Manasseh 默纳协
b)..... Ephraim 厄弗辣因
c)..... Judah 犹大

Chapter 18: 第十八章

Q1: (v.2) How many tribes had not received their inheritance? (2节)多少支派没有分得产业?
a)..... 5 五个
b)..... 7 七个
c)..... 9 九个

Q2: (v.11-20) are about the tribe of ..... (11-20节)是关于......支派
a)..... Benjamin 本雅明
b)..... Simeon 西默盎
c)..... Zebulun 则步隆

Q3: (v.21-28) Jericho & Jerusalem belonged to the tribe of .... (21-28节)耶里哥和耶路撒冷属于....支派
a)..... Benjamin 本雅明
b)..... Simeon 西默盎
c)..... Zebulun 则步隆

Chapter 19: 第十九章

Q1: v.1-9 are about the tribe of ..... 1-9节是关于......支派
a)..... Dan 丹
b)..... Asher 阿协尔
c)..... Simeon 西默盎

Q2: v.24-31 are about the tribe of ..... 24-31节是关于......支派
a)..... Dan 丹
b)..... Asher 阿协尔
c)..... Simeon 西默盎

Q3: v.40-48 are about the tribe of ..... 40-48节是关于......支派
a)..... Dan 丹
b)..... Asher 阿协尔
c)..... Simeon 西默盎

Chapter 20: 第二十章

Q1: This chapter is about cities of ...... 这一章是关于......城
a)..... revenge 报复
b)..... refuge 避难
c)..... refuse 垃圾

Q2: (v.6) Stay until the death of the ...... (6节)逗留直到..........去世之后
a)..... high priest 大司祭
b)..... avenger of blood 报血仇者
c)..... dead man's oldest brother 死者的长兄

Q3: (v.8) Golan was in (8节)哥蓝是在......内
a)..... Galilee 加里肋亚
b)..... Judah 犹大
c)..... Bashan 巴商

Chapter 21: 第二十一章

Q1: v.9-26 are about ..... 9-26节是关于.......
a)..... the sons of Gershon 革尔雄子孙
b)..... the kohathites 刻哈特家族
c)..... the sons of Merari 默辣黎子孙

Q2: v.27-33 are about ..... 27-33节是关于.......
a)..... the sons of Gershon 革尔雄子孙
b)..... the kohathites 刻哈特家族
c)..... the sons of Merari 默辣黎子孙

Q3: v.34-42 are about ...... 34-42节是关于.......
a)..... the sons of Gershon 革尔雄子孙
b)..... the kohathites 刻哈特家族
c)..... the sons of Merari 默辣黎子孙

Chapter 22: 第二十二章

Q1: (v.6) Who blessed the Reubenites? (6节)谁祝福了勒乌本人?
a)..... God 天主
b)..... Joshua 若苏厄
c)..... Eleazar 厄肋阿匝尔

Q2: (v.10) What was built near the circle of stones? (10节)什么筑在石圈附近?
a)..... an altar 一座祭坛
b)..... a temple 一座圣殿
c)..... a town 一座城

Q3: (v.26) The altar was built  ..... (26节)建筑祭坛是......
a)..... for holocausts 为献全燔祭
b)..... for other sacrifices 为祭献牺牲
c)..... as a witness 作一证据

Chapter 23:  第二十三章

Q1: (v.3) Who fought for the Israelites? (3节)谁替以色列人作战?
a)..... God 天主
b)..... Joshua 若苏厄
c)..... Eleazar 厄肋阿匝尔

Q2: v.6-16 are about how to live among .....peoples 6-16节是关于怎样与.....人相处
a)..... foreign 异族的
b)..... forgetful 健忘的
c)..... faithless 无信仰的

Q3: (v.14) Joshua is soon to ...... (14节)若苏厄即将......
a)..... fight a battle 作战
b)..... write a book 写一本书
c)..... die 死去

Chapter 24: 第二十四章

Q1: (v.15) Choose today whom you wish to ....... (15节)今天就选择你们所愿......
a)..... serve 事奉的
b)..... obey 服从的
c)..... love 爱慕的

Q2: (v.15) As for me and my ....... , we will serve the Lord (15节)至于我和我的....,我们一定要事奉上主
a)..... friends 朋友
b)..... house 家族
c)..... children 子女

Q3: (v.27) Give your ....... to the Lord (27节)给上主你的......
a)..... minds 思想
b)..... souls 灵魂
c)..... hearts 心