Ephesians Bible Quiz  厄弗所书圣经测试

Chapter 1:   第一章

Q1:  Everything in heaven and on earth will come together under  WHO as head? (v.10)
a).....God the Father   天主圣父
b).....God the Son, Jesus   天主圣子,耶稣
c).....God the Holy Spirit   天主圣神

Q2:  In verse 13, "you" means   13节,"你们"是指
a).....the Jews   犹太人
b).....the gentiles/pagans   外邦人/非基督徒
c).....the Ephesian Christians who used to be pagans   由外邦归化的厄弗所信友

Q3:  In verse 21, "sovereignty, authority, power, domination" refers to
a).....the Roman Empire   罗马帝国
b).....all the different types of angels   所有不同的天使
c).....all earthly rulers   所有地上的统治者

Chapter 2:   第二章

Q1:  Who is "the ruler who governs the air" (v.2)?   谁是"空中权能的首领"(2节)?
a).....the Roman Emperor   罗马国王
b).....Pontius Pilate   比拉多
c).....Satan   撒殚

Q2:  What do verse 18 and verse 22 have in common?   18节和22节有那些共同之处?
a).....both refer to God the Father  两者都指天主圣父
b).....both refer to God the Father and God the Son  两者都指天主圣父和天主圣子
c).....both refer to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit

Q3:  Who is the cornerstone of the Church?   谁是教会的角石?
a).....the bishop   主教
b).....the pope   教宗
c).....Jesus   耶稣

Chapter 3:   第三章

Q1:  (v.1-6) What is "the mystery" that Paul explains?    (1-6节)保禄解释的"奥秘"是
a).....the Eucharist   圣体
b).....the Trinity   天主圣三
c).....God's plan of salvation - for all peoples, not just the Jews
天主的救恩计划 -为所有人不单犹太人

Q2:  Verses 16-17 contain a theme of   16-17节包括一个主题
a).....the Trinity   天主圣三
b).....the Church   教会
c).....the Incarnation   道成人身

Q3:  What is wide, long, high and deep (v.18)?   是什么广,宽,高,深(18节)?
a).....the rivers and mountains of Israel   以色列的河山
b).....our hope   我们的希望
c).....the love of Jesus for us   耶稣对我们的爱

Chapter 4:   第四章

Q1:  In which city's "prison" (v.1)  did Paul write this letter?
a).....Ephesus   厄弗所
b).....Jerusalem  耶路撒冷
c).....Rome   罗马

Q2:"the body"(v.16) means   "全身"(16节)意思是
a).....Jesus' physical body   耶稣有形的身体
b).....Jesus' risen body   耶稣复活的身体
c).....Jesus'  "mystical" body, the Church   耶稣"奥妙的"身体,教会

Q3:  If we "let the sun set on our anger" (v.26), then
a).....we will have a good night's sleep   我们将会得到酣睡
b).....our anger will go down, like the sun   我们的忿怒将似太阳西落
c).....we will give the devil a foothold in our minds   我们将给魔鬼在我们心内立足

Chapter 5:   第五章

Q1:  According to Paul in verses 1-4   依照保禄在1-4节
a).....dirty jokes are o.k.   可以说污秽戏言
b).....it's best never to even mention "R" topics   最好不要提及"不宜儿童"的话题
c).....it's o.k. for Christians to see "R" movies and videos

Q2:  In verse 5, what is "worshipping a false god"?   在5节,什么是"拜假神明"?
a).....eating meat consecrated to idols   食祭过偶像的肉
b).....following a non-Christian religion   皈依一个非基督宗教
c).....fornication, impurity, promiscuity   淫乱,不洁,放荡

Q3:  In v.21-23, Paul says Jesus and the Church are like    在21-23节,保禄说耶稣和教会像
a).....husband and wife   夫妻
b).....shepherd and sheep   牧羊人和羊群
c).....vine and branches   葡萄树和枝条

Chapter 6:   第六章

Q1:  Which is "the first commandment that has a promise attached to it"? (v.2)
那一条是"附有恩许的第一条 诫命"?(2节)
a).....Keep holy the sabbath day   守安息日
b).....Honour your father and your mother   孝敬你的父母
c).....You shall not steal   不要偷盗

Q2:  In v.14-17, how many "items of war" does Paul list?
a).....3   三
b).....6   六
c).....9   九

Q3:  In v.21-22, who does Paul send as his representative?
a).....Timothy    弟茂德
b).....Titus   弟铎
c).....Tychicus   提希苛