John 6.35

We eat food in order to stay alive.  If we eat, we live.  If we stop eating, we die.  Food and life go together.  In many parts of the world, bread is a basic part of daily diet.  No wonder Jesus taught us to pray "give us our daily bread".  Bread and life go together . In Hong Kong there is a popular brand of bread called "Life Bread".

In John's Gospel, Jesus says we need spiritual food for spiritual life.  He says he is the Bread of Eternal Life.   His friendship, his love, his grace, his words, his example - all coming together in the Eucharist - are "Eternal Life Bread". 

Jesus wants everyone to eat this Bread.  This Bread is for everyone, not just Christians.  "God wants everyone to come to knowledge of the truth and be saved", says St Paul.  

Yet how many people in the world are eating Eternal Life Bread?   In the special sense of receiving the Eucharist in church,  what percentage of the human race is accepting Jesus' invitation?   In the wider sense of living by Jesus' teaching,  what percentage?

In some parts of the world, bread shops (churches) are banned or are closing down, being turned into art galleries or museums or factories.
In many parts of the world, bread cooks (priests/pastors) are declining in number.

The way things are going,  most people on our planet will go through life and die without ever receiving the Eucharist.

One in six people on the planet are physically starving. Maybe four in six people on the planet are spiritually starving.

How sad Jesus must be at this situation.  No wonder he once said "When I come back at the end of the world, will I find any faith in the world?"

Dear Jesus,  this year,  please help me  try to  introduce a few more people to you, the Bread of Life.  Please help the church do more
to provide the Eucharist for more places and people throughout the world.